
We Ride for Sylvia

I Ride For Sylvia memorial ride on Tuesday, September 22, 2009.


Bobbi Reichtell said...

It was an honor to be a part of the ride. I am in awe of how you, Sylvia's friends, have come together to support one another in your grief and how you organized that beautiful tribute to her. Her death has affected me in unexpected ways even though I only met her a few times.

Marie Tit Ange said...

1000 pensée pour toi Sylvia, qu'elles t'accompagnent ou que tu sois...

ta cousine, d'Outre Atlantique qui aurait aimé être là pour ce bel hommage.

Jeffrey Sugalski said...

You guys are amazing.

I wish I could've joined, but was thinking of Sylvia and everyone riding in her memory all that morning.